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Mazal News

3 men are rescued from a desert island after writing SOS in the sand

It seems like something out of an adventure film but it really happened: three men lost on a desert island in Micronesia were found after writing SOS in the sand. Their plea for help was seen by American and Australian airplanes who alerted the Australian Department of Defence.

The men were mariners and were already being searched because they had not reached their planned destination, 190km from there. They had landed on the island three days previously when their boat ran out of fuel and drifted from its course.

Source: Reuters


Homens são resgatados de ilha deserta após escreverem SOS na areia

Parece cena de filme de aventura, mas aconteceu de verdade: três homens que estavam perdidos em uma ilha desabitada da Micronésia foram encontrados após escreverem SOS na areia. O pedido de ajuda foi visto por aviões americanos e australianos, que acionaram o departamento de defesa da Austrália.

Os homens eram marinheiros e já estavam sendo procurados porque não haviam chegado ao destino planejado, a cerca de 190km dali. Eles estavam há três dias na ilha e chegaram lá após o barco ficar sem combustível e sair da rota.


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