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Conservator at the Jewish Museum Berlin develops a new method of preserving painting

Conservator at the Jewish Museum Berlin develops a new method of preserving painting
Conservator at the Jewish Museum Berlin develops new preservation method for Jakob Steinhardt canvas

Franziska Lipp, conservator at the Jewish Museum Berlin, has developed a new conservation method for the double-sided painting On the Way to the House of Prayer by the Jewish painter Jakob Steinhardt.

When reviewing the condition of the artwork, the conservator found that the canvas offered little stability for the oil paint used on the front and back of the painting – there was a painting on each side. The conservation protocol to correct the stability of the canvases indicates the gluing of a lining on the inner side, which Franziska Lipp could not have done, as it would cover the painting on the back.

Lipp researched alternative materials that would make it possible to correct the work. Before working on the canvas, the conservator carried out a series of tests to find a safe way to conserve the work, taking into account the restorers' two assumptions: the materials used in the process must be very durable and must be completely removable.

The framed painting On the Way to the Prayer House by Jakob Steinhardt, 1921, oil on canvas; Jewish Museum in Berlin
The painting after conservation by Franziska Lipp

Conservator develops a new method of preserving painting

Lipp achieved the best results with a fine silk fabric coated with an acrylic adhesive mixture. In addition, she resorted to the microscope to stabilize the damage on the edges of the paintings and changed the frame's stretcher, including the old one in the museum's collection, as she believes that Jakob Steinhardt himself built the original stretcher.


Conservadora do Museu Judaico de Berlim desenvolve novo método de conservação para tela de Jakob Steinhardt

Franziska Lipp, conservadora do Museu Judaico de Berlim, desenvolveu um novo método de conservação para a pintura frente e verso On the Way to the House of Prayer, do pintor judeu Jakob Steinhardt.

Ao fazer uma revisão nas condições da obra de arte, a conservadora constatou que a tela oferecia pouca estabilidade para a tinta a óleo usada na frente e no verso do quadro – havia uma pintura de cada lado. O protocolo de conservação para corrigir a estabilidade das telas indica a colagem de um forro no lado interno, o que não poderia ser feito por Franziska Lipp, uma vez cobriria a pintura do verso.

Lipp pesquisou materiais alternativos que possibilitassem a correção da obra. Antes de trabalhar na tela, a conservadora fez uma série de testes para encontrar uma maneira segura de conservar a obra, levando em consideração as duas premissas dos restauradores: os materiais usados no processo precisam ser muito duráveis e devem ser totalmente removíveis.

Lipp alcançou os melhores resultados com um tecido de seda fina revestida com uma mistura de adesivo acrílico. Além disso, recorreu ao microscópio para estabilizar os danos nas bordas das pinturas e trocou a maca do quadro, incluindo a antiga no acervo do museu, pois acredita que o próprio Jakob Steinhardt tenha construído a maca original.


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